“RACK ALL THE GEAR ON YOUR LEFT SIDE.” Conrad Anker is giving instructions. “Use the chimney, get inside.” We’re in Hyalite Canyon, an alpine wonderland above Anker’s hometown of Bozeman, Mont., looking up at a dark corner of dripping stone and ice. “Ok, you’re the man, I am the hand,” Anker said, doling out some rope, stepping back into a familiar rhythm on belay.
I’m suited up to climb next, all Petzl axes and La Sportiva boots. But currently picking and reaching on the route — an M4/WI4 classic called “The Thrill Is Gone” — is an Anker mentee, Matt Cornell, who lived out of his car for three years before settling in Bozeman to climb ice.
Anker calls him simply “Youth,” but Cornell, age 21, is maturing as a climber. In Hyalite, where he trains all winter, the mixed climb overhead causes only temporary pause. Cornell is a quiet machine, calculating each swing, stepping up to match feet. “Lead this in 20 minutes if you’re going to climb Moonflower in a day,” Anker cajoles, referencing an Alaskan test piece.
I was Cornell’s age when I met Anker for the first time, in 1998, at a rock-climbing clinic in Minnesota. The editor of a scrappy startup magazine, “Vertical Jones,” I approached Anker nervously. He was a big name to climbing junkies even then, with wild ascents around the planet, but Anker was friendly, answering a dozen questions as I scrawled in a notebook to record an interview for my ‘zine.